Puri Puri
Find the information about G M Law College, Puri, its address and location, academic information, infrastructure and facilities etc.
G M Law College, Puri is a and located in Puri, Orissa. The institute was established in the year N/A.
Bargarh Bargarh - Orissa, India
Phone : N/A
Kendrapara Kendrapara - Orissa, India
College Square, Cuttack Cuttack - Orissa, India
Phone : 0671 - 2648374
Jaypore Jaypore - Orissa, India
Rourkela, Sundargarh Rourkela - Orissa, India
Balasore Balasore - Orissa, India
Sambalpur Sambalpur - Orissa, India
Sikharpur Sikharpur - Orissa, India
Phone : 641230
Sonapur Sonapur - Orissa, India
Chintamaneshwsar, Bhubaneshwar, Puri Bhubaneswar - Orissa, India
Berhampur Berhampur - Orissa, India
Dharmagarh, Kalahandi Dharmagarh - Orissa, India
Station Road, Dhenkanal Rs, Dhenkanal Dhenkanal - Orissa, India
Phone : 91 - 6762 - 228733
Kalahandi Kalahandi - Orissa, India
Barapada, Mayurbhanj Barapada - Orissa, India
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