Puhana, Roorkee
Find the information about Indian Institute Of Technology, Roorkee, its address and location, academic information, infrastructure and facilities etc.
Indian Institute Of Technology, Roorkee is a Co-Education and located in Roorkee, Uttarakhand. The institute was established in the year 1847.
Total Faculty
Faculty Student Ratio
Professor, Department of Biotechnology
Subject Expertise
Structural Biology, Molecular Biophysics, Biomolecular Interactions by NMR and molecular modelling
Genetics, Breeding, Tissue culture, Genetic transformation, disease resistance , Genetics, Breeding, Tissue culture, Genetic transformation, disease resistance
Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
Biomass energy, Pyrolysis and gasification Industrial pollution abatement, Air/water pollution
Catalysis, Petroleum Refining & Petrochemicals, Industrial Pollution Abatement, Mass transfer
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Macrocyclic synthesis, Ion- selective electrodes, Chemical Sensors, Colorimetric and Fluorescent sensor
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Land Cover Mapping, Digital Image Classification, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, Remote Sensing, G, Land Cover Mapping, Digital Image Classification, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, Remote Sensing
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Vision- Optical Flow Problems, Fractional Transform Theory, Wavelet Analysis, Image and Video Processing, Multimedia Security: Digital Image Watermarking and Encryption Biometrics, Content Based Image and Video Retrieval, Hyperspectral and Microwave Imaging Visualization, Volume Graphics
Professor, Department of Earth Sciences
Numerical Simulation of large systems, Modelling and inversion of geophysical data
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