Vill & Post Jaipur, Jattan Po Ladwa, Kurukshetra
Find the information about J R Institute Of Education, , its address and location, academic information, infrastructure and facilities etc.
J R Institute Of Education, is a and located in , Haryana. The institute was established in the year N/A.
Chennai - Tamil Nadu, India
Phone : N/A
Tirupathi, Chittoor Dt Tirupati - Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone : 0877-2287649,2287690,2288644
GEL Church Compound, Ranchi - Jharkhand, India
Phone : 0651-2350323
Gandhigram Dindigul - Tamil Nadu, India
Pindrajora, P.O. Pindrajora, Dist., Bokaro - Jharkhand, India
Mottur Road, Sholinghur, Vellore Vellore - Tamil Nadu, India
Srm University No 3, Veerasamy Street, West Mambalam, Chennai Chennai - Tamil Nadu, India
Phone : 044-24715818
Tiruvannamalai - Tamil Nadu, India
Namakkal - Tamil Nadu, India
Maidan Garhi, Delhi - Delhi, India
Phone : (011) 29532741
Cuddalore - Tamil Nadu, India
Komarapalayam Salem - Tamil Nadu, India
Thanjavur - Tamil Nadu, India
Erode - Tamil Nadu, India
Andhramahilasabha,, Hyderabad. Hyderabad - Andhra Pradesh, India
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