Find the information about R S P College, , its address and location, academic information, infrastructure and facilities etc.
R S P College, is a and located in , Jharkhand. The institute was established in the year N/A.
Sy.No.360, 361 & 362, Badangi, Badagi Vizianagaram - Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone : N/A
1, Kolday Road, Parithupattu, Kamaraj Nagar Chennai - Tamil Nadu, India
Manimutyalamma Kunta, Turkayamjal Hayathnagar - Andhra Pradesh, India
Old Mahabalipuram Road, Kelambakkam Chennai - Tamil Nadu, India
Phone : 0414-27427/274186/275029
Sy.No.583, 588 Nadergul Village, Saroor Naar Mandal Rangareddy - Andhra Pradesh, India
Barpeta Barpeta - Assam, India
Phone : 03665-235800
D.No.3-6-70/1, L.B. Nagar, Saroor Nagar, Rangareddy Rangareddy - Andhra Pradesh, India
Peddapalli, Karimnagar Peddapalli - Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone : 08728 – 222260
Karattatipalayam Post, Gobi Chettipalayam, Erode Erode - Tamil Nadu, India
D.No. 18-131/ B, Main Bazaar, Nandigama Krishna - Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone : 08678 – 275896, 277677
H.No.10-78,79, Opp. Police Station, Jogipet, Andolre Medak - Andhra Pradesh, India
Chimakurthy, Prakasam Prakasam - Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone : 08592 – 272447, 272447
Paland Road, Narasaraopet, Guntur Guntur - Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone : 08647 –225513, 222628,226441
Desaipet, Warangal Warangal - Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone : 0870 – 2565968
H.No.7-3-18/11, Gayatri House, Opp. Rama-Lakshmana Theatre Srikakulam - Andhra Pradesh, India
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