Bachelor Of Optometry And Vision Science (B.Optom) Courses in India

Optometry deals with the section of the health care systems in which the field of treatment of the eyes and vision are concerned. Basically the optometrist is trained to test the visions of the eyes and fix the required power of the lenses for the patient.

Profile of the B.Optom Course

Eligibility for B.Optom Course

The eligibility for the B.Optom Course include a pass with 50% marks in the higher Secondary or the 10 + 2 examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board. The student should have studied in the science stream in the qualifying examination with physics, chemistry, biology mathematics and English as the subjects. The student should have completed 17 years of age to be eligible for enrollment into the B. Optom Course.

B.Optom Course Duration

The duration of the course is generally four years with the syllabus either divided into the four years or into eight semesters.

Further Studies into B.Optom Course

The student having undertaken the B.Optom Course is eligible to follow up the degree course with the Masters or the postgraduate diploma Course in Optometry and Vision Science or specialize in Clinical Optometry. A student with a master’s degree in B.Optom Course is well equipped to land highly lucrative career opportunities.

Job Opportunities for B.Optom Course

On successful completion of the B. Optom Course, the person can take up jobs of an optometrist and can also work as a Medical Officer in a health center or a center specializing in optometry and vision care. Another option for a person with a degree in the B. Optom Course is to become an ocularist. Any medical institution which has a center for vision care and optometry will have job opportunities for a person having undertaken the B. Optom Course.

What does the B.Optom Course cover?

The B.Optom Course usually cover a wide range of subjects dealing with optometry and vision science. Some of the specific details of the course include:

  • A complete understanding of the physiology, structure and functions of the various parts of the eye and the entire vision system.
  • Identifying dysfunctions in the eyes
  • Generic and Specific diseases of the eyes
  • Understanding the various procedures involved in generic and specific eye treatment
  • Diagnosis and Prognosis
  • Predict, measure and treat abnormalities in the eye and vision system.

Therefore, taking up the B.Optom Course is highly beneficial for the student and with the help of the B.Optom Course, the candidate can reach out to well repute health centers and hospitals around the world.

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