Meteorology Courses in India

About the Meteorology Courses

Meteorology Courses focus on weather forecast and its related topics and subtopics. Major topics can be like earth atmosphere, climate and weather, thermal structure and atmosphere, earth sun relationship, heat and temperature, radiations, temperature variations, moisture and atmospheric stability humidity, cloud formation, fog, air pressure, winds, weather pattern, weather forecasting, radar, satellites and many other important topics. Many colleges and universities are offering various short term and long term courses in the domain with very good support of faculty members, class rooms, labs, libraries and others. There are courses like certification, diploma, and degree and one has many options to choose from as per his or her need, interest and requirements. These courses can last in the range of 1 year to 5 years depending on the module and college one is finalizing with. Many working professional and experienced people also join some very high end and customized courses for their knowledge up gradation and skill enhancements. These courses focus on theory and practical classes with notes, case studies, laboratories, internships with projects and others so that the aspirant should become a subject matter expert in the particular domain.

Eligibility for Meteorology Courses

Meteorology courses have specific eligibility criteria also and one must check with that before taking any final decision. One can go for the degree courses provided he or she carries at intermediate level science or any other related subjects. After doing the post graduation in the domain aspirants become eligible for the research work and can start thesis writing. These details are available in the prospectus or on the website of the colleges and universities .Research modules like PhD and M.Phil. can also be pursued after the completion of the post graduations.

Career Options for Meteorology Courses

Meteorology courses help the students for a better career and they can work for different industries and companies. They can work with various governments and private agencies, research organizations, universities, data analysis companies, research and development centers, colleges, and many others. They can work on the designations of research associate, meteorologist, research scholars, analyst, consultants, lecturer, professor, scientist, lab in charge, manager, research associate and many others. Many professional move into teaching and training domain and guide the new upcoming students about the subject to make them an industry ready professional. One can become an independent consultant also can offer his services to the various clients and agencies. Various state governments are also supporting the sector and appointing the professional by conducting recruitment exams and interviews. Hence these courses help the aspirants to make good career.

Salary for Meteorology Courses

Meteorology course are very special and customized and offer very good salary options. Those who are starting their career in the field can expect a salary in the range of Rs.20000 to Rs.60000 on monthly basis. Many institutes have a separate placement department and help the aspirants in searching for the suitable employment and arrange even better salaries. Though it depends on the ability and skills of the candidate and it also increases with experience and seniority.

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