Nephrology Courses in India

Introduction to Nephrology Courses

Nephrology is the branch of medicine that deals with the care and treatment of kidney diseases. The word “logy” means the study of and “nephros” means kidney. Nephrology is a specialization of internal medicine and medical practitioners who specialize in this field are called neurologists. Nephrology courses are for those students who wish to specialize in the various aspects of care, treatments and surgical procedures involve with the functioning of the kidney. This includes the treatment of systematic conditions like autoimmune diseases and diabetes, as well as renal replacement therapy including dialysis and kidney transplant.

Different Types of Nephrology Courses

Nephrology courses help prepare students for various careers in Nephrology. Like all branches of medicine, particularly specialization there is immense scope for those looking for a satisfying career in Nephrology. Some of the careers in this field include the Nephrologist, the pediatric Nephrologist, the surgeon or the transplant Nephrologist, the intervention Nephrologist, the urologist, the oncologist, the neurologist who specializes in the treatment of nerves in the renal area, the scientist, the clinical educator, the academic neurologist and clinical researcher. For persons in allied medical fields like nursing there are Nephrology courses that specialize in the care of patients who have undergone dialysis or transplants.

Eligibility for Nephrology Courses

Nephrology courses help students learn about diseases related to the kidney. This specialization in internal medicine is not only for practicing doctors and surgeons, but also for their clinical and academic counterparts. Since Nephrology courses are Post Graduate specializations, doctors, including those in the academic and clinical research, surgeons and practitioners of internal medicine need to have a basic medical degree. Neurologists, urologists, endocrinologists and oncologists need to have successfully completed their respective specialization courses. Nurses who wish to specialize in this field need to have a basic nursing degree. Technicians in the dialysis centers are usually registered nurses trained in dialysis procedures like peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and transplantation procedures.

How to apply for Nephrology Courses

All doctors and surgeons keen on applying to postgraduate Nephrology courses need to have successfully completed their graduation in surgery and medicine. A diploma or graduation in nursing is required by nurses wishing to specialize in Nephrology including those wishing to train as dialysis technicians. The basic guidelines that need to be followed for the admission process can be found on the website or obtained from the respective departments of the institution.

Scope/pay scale for Nephrology Courses

A specialization in the branch of internal medicine, students interested in the treatment and care of patients having renal problems enroll in post graduate Nephrology courses. A nephrologist deals with all patients who have renal problems, particularly renal failure, cyst or growth in the renal region, including the urinary tract or problems with nerves around the kidneys. Dialysis and transplantation are both extremely delicate procedures for patients weakened by kidney failure. Their post-operative care after transplantation, frequent dialysis until a matching donor can be found and many such related aspects are all part of Nephrology courses for registered nurses. These courses prepare them for work in dialysis centers, out-patients facilities and hospitals. Urology, neurology and endocrinology departments in hospitals require nurses with training in Nephrology. Renal oncology is yet another area where trained nurses are required.

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