Orthopaedics Courses in India

About the Orthopaedics Courses

Orthopaedics is a combination of two words Ortho-Straight and Paedion-pain.Nicolas Andry has given the term in 1741 in his book Orthopaedia.It deals with the ailments related to injuries, congenital and problems in bones, joints and linked soft tissues. There are several courses where students and practitioners learn about preservation, examination and restitution of the various bone and spinal diseases by medical, physical and surgical tools and techniques. Generally aspirants take the specialization in their last year by opting Orthopaedics as the main subject and some people go for the masters and higher research studies further. Various factors are there which make this sector desirable like worthwhile and satisfying, wide range of subspecialties to choose from, sociable and noble Field, support from professional bodies for better training and up skilling

Eligibility for Orthopaedics Courses

Those who have done a graduate course in Biology,Pre Medicine or related domain can pursue a career in orthopaedics by enrolling them again in 4 or 5 years courses where they get customized knowledge ,skills and attitude in the field by rigorous theoretical and practical teaching and training. Many participants go for research oriented courses like PhD and M.Phil but for that they need to do post graduation firs and then any specialization can be selected for course work and thesis writing.

Career Option for Orthopaedics Courses

It is now considered a rewarding and bright career option due the high growth potential and a way to improve people lives and physical conditions. There are several specializations one can get into like Fractures and Location Shifting, Ankle, Joint deformities, Fractured Ligaments, Strains and Wrench, Ruptured Disks and Back Pains, Knees, Bow Legs, Hammer Toes like Treatments, Tumors related to muscles and bones, Arthritis, Sciatica, Cerebral Palsy and Muscular Dystrophy, Finger Disorder and Remedies, Growth Anomalies, Foot Clubbing and Inequalities.

Though this list is not limited and many other new and interdisciplinary streams have also been opened up as Ankle and Foot Surgery, Hip Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Sports Injuries Surgery, Knee Surgery (Softy and Bony Tissues).One has to be very keen and quick learner to perform in this area. Some skill sets that are required to excel in orthopaedics are Dedication and Positivity, Extremely Dexterous, Awareness of Current Medical technologies, Good Understanding of Biomedical Subjects and Concepts, Medical Ethical Practices and Standard, Hand on expertise in Physiology and Pharmacology, Quick Decision making, Working Late hours, Analytical Skills.

All the practitioners are supposed to take license from the medical association or other designated departments to start practice. There are certain norms and clearances to be taken from the relevant authorities for residential and commercial operations. Usually there are different exams and certification conducted by organizing bodies.

Salary for Orthopaedics Courses

Orthopaedics is a good field in terms of money also. Starting salaries can be in the range of Rs.50000 to Rs.100000 and it increase with the experience and seniority in the field. Those who have fair amount of experience are earning salaries in the range of 30 to 50 lacs on annual basis or even more than that.

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