Speech Therapy Courses in India

About the Speech Therapy Courses

Speech Therapy Courses offers the studies in the areas related to voice problems, speech, swallowing problems, language issues, stuttering and other related ailments. Aspirants are taught and trained with various class room and practical training interventions on the domains like speech pathology, children having speech problems, people with disability and stuttering problems, syndrome persons with disability related to speech and language understanding, dementia issue in the elderly people. They are also trained how to overcome these problems. There are various small term and long term courses. The duration of course will range from 1 to 5 years, depending on the module opted. One can do a diploma or a certificate course to understand the basics of speech therapy. Courses like B.Sc and M.Sc are also available if one wants to have a thorough knowledge of speech therapy. Aspirants can take any of these courses as per their need and interest .Those who are already working in the domain and want their skill up gradation can enroll into various tailor made and specialized courses and take the benefit of that.

Eligibility for Speech Therapy Courses

All the courses in speech therapy have some eligibility criteria. Any graduate can take the certificate and diploma courses to learn the underlying concept and principles. People aspiring to do specialized courses must have a degree in the speech therapy domain or related fields. Customized modules can be done only by working practitioners and professionals.

Career Options for Speech Therapy Courses

Speech therapy is a niche domain and offers fair career prospects to the candidates and students. They can work in clinics, hospitals, schools, community health development centers, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, independent consultancy, research centers, colleges, universities and many others. These options are available at national and international levels with great benefits. There is a global shortage of skilled speech therapy professionals and one can take the benefit of it by joining the field. They can work in paediatric, disability services and education initiatives. They work as speech therapist, speech counselors, doctors, consultants, research associates, rehabilitation scientists and others. Many hospitals are hiring them at good salary packages. Those who are starting their own consultancies can work with hospitals and rehabilitations units as an external advisor. They get referred cases from there and offer the treatment and other services and take their fees and charges. Many of the participants choose to go in the field of teaching and training departments. They can approach to the various colleges and universities to get a competent employment. This way they help the industry to make a pool of man power enabled with right knowledge, skills and attitude to face the real life challenges. Hence speech therapy courses open a wide spectrum of possibilities.

Salary Structure for Speech Therapy Courses

Speech therapy domain offers good salaries also due its customized skill. In the beginning one can expect Rs.35000 to Rs 60000 on monthly basis. Although it depends on the competency of the aspirants also. Independent practitioners have a better chance here to earn more money by advisory and diagnostics.

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