CEED Entrance Exam 2025

What is CEED Entrance Exam?

Common Entrance Examination for Design (CEED) is conducted by IIT Bombay on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. Qualifying CEED is one of the requisites for the admission for few of the Post Graduation programs and Doctoral programs of Design at major IITs and IISc institutes.

Eligibility Criteria for CEED Entrance Exam

The academic eligibility for CEED is any of the following

  • Bachelor’s Degree (Engineering or Architecture or Design or Interior design) or equivalent program of 4 years after 10+2
  • Any professional Diploma in Design (NID/ CEPT or equivalent program of 4 years after 10+2)
  • Bachelor in Fine Arts which is 4 years program after 10+2
  • G.D. Art, a 5 year program that could be done after 10th, besides the professional experience of one year
  • Master’s Degree (Arts/ Science/ Computer Application), a 2 year program after 3 years degree

Candidates must note that graduation programs of 3 years are not covered in the eligibility criteria list.

How to apply for CEED Entrance Exam

The application form is available in the online Application website. The form must be filled and submitted only through online. Candidate must be ready with electronic copies of Photographs, signatures and certificates. The payment must be through SBI Collect website. The candidates must read the instructions before filling the application form. The admit card must be downloaded after the submission of application form.

Conduction of the Examination

The examination is conducted in two phases - PART – A and PART – B. The examination is held in various cities of India – Bengaluru, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Guwahati and Thirvanthapuram etc. The candidates are provided with choice to select the city where he/she would attend the exam. Candidates are expected bringing the stationery. The candidates must also carry any original photo identity besides the admit card to the examination hall.

CEED Entrance Exam Syllabus

The examination is to assess the skills and aptitudes of the candidates. Design sensitivity, visual perception skills, creativity, drawing skills, communication skills and logical reasoning are the major areas. No books are recommended by the authority for the preparation of the exam. The question papers of previous years would help the students to understand the pattern of questioning.

CEED Entrance Exam pattern

Part –A is a computer based screening test. Paper –B will be evaluated only of those candidates who score minimum cutoff marks in Paper – A. The examination is conducted only in English. Part A is conducted as objective with multiple choice questions and one hour time is provided. Part B is descriptive. Answer books would be provided following Part-A and two hours is the time limit.

Students must note that qualifying the examination doesn’t guarantee the admission to any program but eligible them for applying for the admission. They must undergo the required tests and interviews conducted by the respective institutions for the admission. Students can request for the scanned copy of the Part-B paper, evaluated, paying the required amount. But re-evaluation is not considered.

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