Universities in Chandigarh

Chandigarh is a Union territory as well as the capital city of the twin states of Punjab and Haryana. Though it is a capital city of the two states, it comes under the Government of India and is ruled directly by the Center. One of the most well-planned cities in India, it was established in 1947.

The Various Universities in Chandigarh:

Chandigarh is enriched educationally with large number of educational facilities like higher educational institutions and colleges. The number of universities are limited, but the huge number of colleges attached to the present universities that are established there make it really rich in education facilities. The Universities in Chandigarh include:

  • A University in Chandigarh exclusively dedicated for the study of science, engineering and technology
  • A University in Chandigarh is managed by the Punjab state, is located here. It has a large number of general colleges that impart education in Arts, Science and Commerce disciplines.

The Uniqueness in Structure of the Universities in Chandigarh

Most of the institutes for higher education and the colleges are affiliated to the couple of Universities in Chandigarh but what is unique is that these Universities in Chandigarh have all the required courses segregated into the different schools each offering disciplines of study in its dedicated subject. Therefore, there is a University institute for Hotel Management, a Business School in the university, and it also has its own engineering and technological institute.

Some of the others include:

  • Teachers training colleges that impart education leading to the B.ED and the M. Ed. Degrees awarded by the Universities in Chandigarh. Also included are degrees in Physical education and Special education
  • Law colleges enabling studies in various aspects of law
  • The Universities in Chandigarh also has colleges for performing arts affiliated to it
  • The institutes for engineering and technology attached to Universities in Chandigarh

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