Universities in Jharkhand

Jharkhand is a state in the Eastern Region of Indian and was formed out of Bihar. Since the time it has been formed, Jharkhand has become the epicentre of industrialization which has consequently led to it becoming the educational centre in the region. There are many Universities in Jharkhand and they include one Central University and one private university. The others are the seven State Universities in Jharkhand and two Deemed Universities in Jharkhand.

The Central Universities in Jharkhand

A central University in Jharkhand has been established as part of the initiative of the Government of India to establish Central University in Jharkhand. Other Institutes of National Importance include:

  • Institute Of Foundry and Forge Technology
  • National Institute of Technology

Both these institutions offer undergraduate and postgraduate courses in engineering and technology besides Forge Technology.

Research programs are also conducted in these institutes.

The State Universities in Jharkhand

There are seven State Universities in Jharkhand and of the seven State universities; one is dedicated to the study of Agriculture and related subjects. This Agricultural University also offers courses in Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Bio-Technology and Forestry. Besides undergraduate and postgraduate degrees being awarded, research facilities are also offered.

A law university provides facilities for the education of law and other related subjects. Offering undergraduate, postgraduate, the law university also offers integrated courses in legal studies.

The Deemed Universities in Jharkhand

The Deemed Universities in Jharkhand is for technology courses and it is of great repute.

Another very famous Deemed University in Jharkhand is dedication to the subject of mining and related studies.

The Private Universities in Jharkhand

The only private university that Jharkhand has is that of financial education including management studies in Finance and related subjects.

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